Learning the Quran Online is More Reliable at Home

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Learning the Quran online

Quran learning is a continuous journey. It is not confined to a specific age group. However, it is usually done at an early age. People mainly learn Quran from an Islamic center. In contrast, some people may not be able to attend the Islamic center for specific reasons. To overcome this problem, people can now access Quran online with the help of the internet. Learning the Quran online is a reliable way. Students of online Quran academies have shown brilliant results in learning Quran.

Modern technologies have introduced modern ways of learning the Quran online. Several multiple courses are now available through online Quran academies. In addition to learning Quran, we can now avail of learning the Quran online with Tajwid. Learning the Quran online with Tajwid has brought betterment in the Quran recitation.

Make your Quran recitation authentic by learning Tajwid :

Regarding Quran recitation, Tajwid is the correct usage of the letters by following the set rules. Quran is in Arabic. Therefore, everyone must learn how to pronounce and connect the letters. Hence, to make the majority of people understand Tajwid, We have introduced teaching Quran with Tajwid as an online course. Learning the Quran online with Tajwid is now more approachable through onlinequranclasses.com.

Some standard rules of Tajwid :

Some of the rules of Tajwid are classified as follows:


  •  Noon and Meem Mushaddad, When م or ن has Shad sign,
    1.  Al –Qalqalah is an echo sound at the end of the pronunciation of 5 letters of  ق، ط، ب، ج، د when it is Saakin, with sukoon or shaddah.
    2. Noon saakinah and Tanween Rules
      There are 4 rulres of noon sakin and Tanweed
      1: Izhar  2: Idgham  3: Iqlab  4: Ikhfa
    3. Noon Saakinahis the noon with no Harakah or with a Sukoon.
  • Tanween is actually a noon Saakin pronounced as Noon Saakin without writing noon.


  1. Meem Saakinah Rules Meem Saakin is the meem with Sukoon (Jazam) sign on it.
    There are 4 rulres of noon sakin and Tanweed
    1: Izhar  2: Idgham  3: Ikhfa


Rules of Meem Saakinah

  1. Ikhfaa Shafawi: When ب comes after meem sakin then it will be pronouced with Ghunna.
  2. Idghaam Shafawi: If م comes after meem sakin and we have to Mix them and it will be pronouced with Ghunna.
  3. Izhaar Shafawi: If any letter comes axcept ب and م, then we have to read clearly and without ghunna.

How much time does it take to learn Quran online with tajwid?

Learning the Quran online is just like other learning processes. It heavily depends on the learners’ cognition and interest in learning Quran. However, it usually takes one and a half year to learn Quran online with Tajwid.

Learning the Quran online mostly depends on the following knowledge:

  1. Places of the articulation of Arabic letter
  2. Knowing the rules of connection and exceptions

Easy way to learn to read the Quran online

  • First, you can learn to read the Quran online by searching an online Quran academy.
  • Secondly, you will have to fill out an application form, which you will get on the website of that academy.
  • After registration, you will attend trial classes. Furthermore, you can start learning the Quran online.
  • Then a daily class routine will begin. You will be able to practice with qualified staff.
  • After the course, exams will be conducted to check your knowledge of Tajwid.
  • In the end, the eligible students will be awarded certificates.

Learn the Quran Online at Quran academies

Learning the Quran online academies like We offer the best course for learning the Quran online with Tajwid. These academies have expert Islamic and efficient Arabic teachers. In addition to that, learn to read the Quran online with Us. They provide a suitable breakup of Tajwid for beginners.

Learning the Quran online with Tajwid from these academies is more reliable. You can manage your class timing on your own. Other than you can attend your class from everywhere. It does not depend if you are at home or traveling. You can connect to your class more regularly.

Online Quran classes for beginners:

Quran online academies hire skillful teachers. Online, face-to-face classes are held for beginners. In the start, Qaida is taught to beginners. At this stage, the students are taught the pronunciation of letters. Moreover, the method of connecting two or more letters is practiced.

Alongside, the students are given a lot of time for practicing. These teachers make the students understand the rules of Quran recitation. Learning to read Quran online is more authentic and efficient. The students get full attention. These classes are held on a regular basis. These classes are reliable; therefore, the risks of missing the classes are extremely low.


Classes for beginners are designed in such a way as to maximize learning and minimize time waste. For example:

  • Face-to-face classes are held
  • Elementary knowledge is focused
  • Practice is done with a qualified teacher
  • Reliable course break up is followed
  • Regular assessment is taken
  • Multiple strategies are practices to make the student understand
  • Several drills are assigned to students to overcome their hurdles


In conclusion, Our Quran Academy provides relevant and reliable Quran classes. Students have shown positive results in learning. Our academy hires qualified staff who make the students learn Quran online with Tajwid quickly and efficiently.





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