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Prophet Muhammad S.A.W emphasized that “I have become a Prophet to teach”. He further told an event from a mosque where there were two groups. One was praying and the other was teaching. So he said that the one who is teaching is more superior. T tells the importance of teaching and learning before even practicing it. Isn’t it convincing enough?


Muslim scholars have presented many viewpoints about Science and Islam. The Quran and knowledge of islam has given more reasons to science research. Medieval Muslm Scientists have contributed to so many scientific  discoveries during the 8th to 15th century.

Religious science has immense achievements in different regions of Science where the Quran had already stated those facts and they were later confirmed by science.

It’s always a debate when islamic science is to be recognized for its facts but we should stick to the concept of Unity of GOD. If we notice the first part of SHAHADAH it says There’s no God but Allah. It is the root of fundamental facts that should be recognized in the first place but the clashes between islamic scientists and modern scientists still go on.

Religious Science 

Practically speaking, there are so many discoveries of Islamic science which give support as pillars to Quran and Science facts. Medieval islamic scientists have discovered it in almost every field of science. Let’s discuss those!


Alchemy and Chemistry

The sulfur mercury theory of metals by Jabr Bn Hayyan remained the basis of the theory of metallic composition until the 18th century. Practically in Chemistry all the words of Jabir Persian  alchemists and physicians contain the earliest studies of chemical substances. 

Astronomy and Cosmology

Astronomy got connected with Islamic Science due to fair reasons. They had done deep studies in the cosmos to determine the Qibla. And n astrology scents are studied to predict the events affecting human life and good timing to do something like going to war or a city. Even the table of tabloids that is used to study the movement of sun is discovery of Muslim scientist Al-Battani

Botany and Agronomy

Muslim scientist Al-Dnawari wrote a book of 6 volumes on plants called Kitab al-Nabat (Book of Plants). Only volume 3 and 5 have survived, which contains the studies of 637 plants that also makes us wonder that that whole volume would have research on thousands of plants. He described the phases of growth. The production of flowers and fruit and the behavior of plants are different from regular ones. A muslim scents Ibn Bassāl had traveled the world to study agronomy and he gave detailed knowledge on several agricultural processes in Arab. His works describe the care and propagation of almost 180 plants. It included leaf and root vegetables, herbs, spices and trees.

Geography and Cartography

The spread of islam has encouraged Muslm world to trade and travel by sea across the globe. Geographers worked hard to get accurate maps to ease travel and trade. Al-beruni measured the radius of Earth. Al drs drew maps of the world.he also wrote the geographic study of climates, people resources and industries known at that ™. An Ottoman scientist also drew a map of the modern world and South Africa in 1513. He also represented a major tradition of Ottomon calligraphy.


Islamic mathematicians collected and gathered inherited data from ancient Egypt, Greece, India, Mesopotamia and Persia and made so many innovations with it. Algebra Geometry Arithmetic linear and quadratic equations Decimal fractions numeral systems all are inventions of Muslims.


Islamic scentsta have put so much effort into medicine under the light of Hadith. The research is the result of inherited knowledge and traditional beliefs. Such as theory of four humors and theory of Gallon also included by Hppocrates. Al-Razi, a muslim scientist discovered measles and smallpox and wrote 23 volume compendium. 

Optics and Ophthalmology

This study included physiological geometrical and physical optics. Even the reflection of a mirror is included in this. Muslim scientist Hunayan Ibn e Ishaq  wrote the book Ten Treatises on the Eye that remained influential until the 17th century. Muslim scientists are wired in each field which sadly cannot be recognized by advanced studies. 


Do You know?

Some scientific advances from Muslm world:

1 The elephant clock

The elephant clock

2 The camera obscura

The camera obscura

3 Al-Idrisi’s world map

Al-Idrisi's world map

4 The Banu Musa brothers’ “ingenious devices”

The Banu Musa brothers' "ingenious devices"

5 Al-Zahrawi’s surgical instruments

5 Al-Zahrawi's surgical instruments


6 Ibn Firnas’ flying contraption

bn Firnas' flying contraption


It must be interesting for you to know from the images how extraordinary these studies were in early centuries. 


The main purpose of sharing all the fields is to highlight the significance of knowledge and that too mainly related to Islam and its diversity that explains all the right reasons that we have the Holy book Quran. All modern scientists have taken the basis from the knowledge of islamic research. And Allah has cleared enough that the Quran is light of every aspect of life. Arab scientists laid the foundation of almost every experimental science. The Islami city in Sciences did not lead to scientific revolution like early Modern Europe and that happens only when you are focussed on facts of Islam in true direction with strong belief and understanding.
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