Islam is beneficial religion for every male and female. It gives absolute rights to everyone. In Islam, you can find the right of women, the
Islam is beneficial religion for every male and female. It gives absolute rights to everyone. In Islam, you can find the right of women, the
Quran is the book of guidance. Now, women can also learn Quran online. In the old days, women feel uncomfortable going outside and learning Quran. They face
In Islam, when someone dies, there is a ritual of praying Janazah Namaz for the dead one. This is a basic ritual of seeking pardon
Istikhara is the way to seek Allah’s counsel towards good and bad. Istikhara means ‘to seek best in your affairs’. It is a Sunnah prayer
Islam is precious God-gifted religion for humans. There are five pillars of Islam, namely Shahdat (Faith), Prayer (Salat), Alms (Zakat), Fasting (Soam), and Pilgrimage (Hajj).
In Islam, The way of pure guidance is only Quran. Quran leads us to the practice of Sirat-ul-Mustaqeen. In every issue or problem, you always
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